I know very well that all we like our pet much, Infact I also…But you may increase the chances of contracting everything from worms to the bubonic plague.Here want to share with you, which I read recently before few hours ago,Of the 250 known diseases transmitted from animals to humans, more than 100 of them come from domestic animals. There are private places in the household, and pets should not go beyond next to the bed.Among the more serious medical problems animal lovers risk by snuggling up to their pets are chagas disease, which can cause life- threatening heart and digestive system disorders.Cat-scratch disease is another problem. It can come from being licked by infected felines, and can cause lethal damage to the liver, kidney or spleen.There are also found several cases of infections transmitted through planting a kiss on a pet.53 per cent considered their pet to be a member of the family, while 56 per cent of them admitted they sleep with their dog next to them.Up to 62 per cent of cat owners said their pets sleep either on or in their beds. Some 25 per cent of women admit to sleeping regularly with a pet, while just 16 per cent of men say they do.Washing hands after playing with pets and keeping regular vet visits will help.Dogs and cats may lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels and even decrease feelings of loneliness for their owners, for instance. They can also increase opportunities for exercise and socializing.
Pets do not care for sweetening and salt like humans do. Therefore, there is no need to be tempted to season up their treats as you would like yours to be. Your pet will be delighted with the natural good tasting ingredients the food has in them.Below is one of the easy made dog favorite recipe which I read online before few days and now want to share with you.Recipe: Sweet Potato Chicken Snack1lb (500g) lean ground chicken, 2 cups cubed sweet potato, ½ cup (125ml) water.Cook chicken over medium heat until it starts to release liquid.Stir in sweet potato and waterReduce heat to medium-low, cover and let it boil, stirring it occasionally until chicken is cooked and sweet potatoes are soft (estimate about 15 minutes).Remove cover and increase heat to medium-high and boil until excess liquid is evaporated. Transfer to a dish to let it cool completely.Puree chicken mixture until very smooth in food processor.Scoop 5ml of chicken mixture for small snacks. With moist fingers, press into a rounded rectangle about ¼" thick. Place on the mesh drying trays at about ½" apart.Dry at 155oF (68oC) for about 6 hours or until crisp and dry. Cool it completely on trays before storage.
Bad Dog breath is a serious and reliable indicator of their overall health.(1) Replace the water in their drinking bowl. Do not allow them to drink anything other than fresh water. Its mouth is kept free of any bacteria that might start to grow in old water.(2) Before every meal you should wash up your pet eating bowl. Have a few bowls to use so that you can clear out old food from a bowl left on the floor and place the new food down straight away.You might find that your dog prefers eating from an old bowl and will not eat quite so much in the first few days. Eventually their hunger will get the better of them.(3) It could be that your dog's digestive system is sensitive to an ingredient that you are regularly feeding it. This can take some experimentation but can result in an improvement to your dog breath problem.The regular culprits that cause bad breath are red meat and some vegetable mixes. Most proprietary dog food products will not cause a problem. It is mainly home produced dog food that can cause dog bad breath.(4) Dog Chews will help to literally scrape tartar from your dog's teeth. You can buy special anti tartar chews specifically for this purpose.Don't look for flavored ones as that will only hide the breath problem. You are trying to get rid of it. Any dog chew will help to remove tartar build up which might be the cause of your dog's bad breath.(5) You should use special dog brushes and cleaning toothpaste. Do not use human toothpaste and brushes. Some dogs are very reluctant to allow this cleaning. You might need a second pair of strong hands for the first few times.Like everything, once a routine is established you will have no difficulty cleaning your dog's teeth.
As like humans, animals also need an extra care during their pregnancy or else they might miscarry their child.We have to provide additional needs just like any other women to ensure that they will able to deliver new life very well.Here want to share about our responsibilities for Pregnant Rabbit Care.For Rabbit nourished and healthier lifestyle during its pregnancy period, need to provide right food from which they can get minerals and vitamins that will also make their child healthy and normal even they are still inside their womb.Provide and Take Care of its place where they could able to have peace every time for lot of good rest and sleep.With Standard rabbit hutch, they can get their time relaxing and strengthening their body which will also help her to always feel comfortable and have no stress cause of noisy and dirty environment.Regular Medical checkup is one of the most essential activity for all including humans and animals to ensure that everything is going perfect with our entire body system and another life inside you.To know about any complications with her and for right medical protection for both two lives, we have to bring her to a veterinary regularly.To nourish child inside her, avoiding any harm and danger from it, to provide extra protection from sickness and other bad illnesses to both, always prefer food supplements and vitamins for her which will boost her immune system.
Should you dog eye are red, swollen, inflamed, cloudy and opaque? Please do not late and rush to a vet for an eye check-up.Symptoms like discharge rubbing their faces with their paws or against furniture/ground to alleviate itchiness and soreness occurs many time with pet dog.Common Dog Eye Problems are like,Dog cataracts; inflammation; corneal ulcer; ingrown eyelids; pink eye; dry eyesDog Eye Care Homeopathic Treatments can be effectively cure them with conventional drops, liquid capsules and herbal washes.Don’t worry, all these products you can find at reliable pet care sites that give free advice, great discounts and useful tips for your dog's best health.Prefer always product with natural ingredients with essential vitamins, minerals, oils and herbs that specifically target to rectify eye problems for your Pet Safety.Above was about “What to do for Dog Eye Infections related cures, products?”, but now want to discuss about Dog Eye Infection Prevention as “Prevention is better than the cure for any type of health conditions”(1) to regularly trim the hair around dog's eye to prevent accumulation of dirt and irritation to get in eyes(2) Be very careful in cutting his hair because active dogs can suddenly jump or turn and scissors in the eyes will definitely not help your dog's eye condition(3) The strands of hair can also cause scratches in the dog's cornea.Dog eye care is an essential part of his life and it would benefit your dog greatly to have you be on top of things in this area.
Health and Nutrition are two main benefits of natural pet food. Besides those, other benefits are reduced skin problems, lower incidences of digestive disorders, and higher energy levels and can also helpful extend the life of our pets.Pet food is not just for the sake of satisfying hunger anymore, there's a much more technical and nutritional investment in it to make it more cherishing and tasty.They are part of our life and our household, we have to take much care and concern about their food and their nutritional requirements.Natural Pet Food Products have made a tremendous arrangement to make animals live by eating other animals and creatures, built we start making them live by eating specially prepared food.Due to the growing complications and side effects, like human beings, pet owners too are shifting to natural food to get healthier and less exposed to artificial flavors and dyes. Sticking to natural products is the need of the hour and it's much safer too.There are a lot of renowned brands that offer natural animal products and they have gained immense success and popularity by satisfying the nutritional needs and retaining the true taste of pet food.